UGR joins the “Film in Granada” location guide

PTS Health Campus, the Former School of Medicine and the Faculties of Science and Arts are offered as new filming locations

The University of Granada joins the catalogue of film locations of Film in Granada, the Provincial Council’s film office, with four of its most emblematic buildings: the Former School of Medicine, the Faculties of Sciences and Arts, and the PTS Health Campus.

The PTS Health Campus has unique buildings, research centres and general service facilities. The Biosanitary Library, the Paraninfo and the Faculties of Medicine and Health Sciences stand out for their contemporary architecture, together with the urban and landscape planning determined by the plan developed by Cruz & Ortiz Arquitecture Studio.

PTS Biosanitary Library. Photos: Lucía Rivas / Film in Granada

The Faculty of Sciences on the Fuentenueva Campus was designed by Cruz López Müller and construction began in 1963. Highlights include the Main Hall, made of poplar wood pyramids, which houses a mural by the sculptor Abelardo Herrero and a spiral staircase to the upper hall, as well as the Aula Magna, an impressive auditorium with a capacity for 500 people.

The Faculty of Sciences Main Hall. Photos: Lucía Rivas / Film in Granada

The Faculty of Arts is located in the University Campus of Cartuja. The building is the result of a project by Francisco Prieto Moreno, who designed it in 1971 to accommodate the increasing number of students who had been attending the University of Granada since the 1960s. Its structure and materials are the result of the trend that was already being developed when planning different university campuses nationwide, making use of exposed concrete, alternating it with large glass surfaces.

Upper floor of the Faculty of Arts. Photos: Lucía Rivas / Film in Granada

Finally, the building of the Former School of Medicine (now called Espacio V Centenario) is one of the most emblematic buildings of the UGR. The project by Sebastián Vilata and Aurelio Botella, which began to be built in 1931 and was inaugurated in 1944, responds to a triangular plan that sought to link rationalist and functional architecture with the historicism of classical tradition. In addition to the main door, the Sala Máxima, the corridors, the monumental staircases and the old classrooms, inspired by the anatomical amphitheatres of the 18th century, which have preserved their original architectural style.

Corridor and old classroom at the Former School of Medicine. Photos: Lucía Rivas / Film in Granada

In addition to these four emblematic buildings, the Film in Granada Location Guide will progressively incorporate other spaces and facilities of the University of Granada that, due to their uniqueness and characteristics, can host movies, series, advertising or TV shoots.

Fuentenueva Sports Campus. Photos: Lucía Rivas / Film in Granada

Chapel and old library at Colegio Máximo de Cartuja. Photos: Lucía Rivas / Film in Granada

Carmen de la Victoria Guest House. Photos: Lucía Rivas / Film in Granada

Sierra Nevada University Hostel. Photos: Lucía Rivas / Film in Granada

Film in Granada, the Provincial Council’s film office, has facilitated the shooting in Granada of films such as Saturn Return by Isaki Lacuesta, Society of the Snow by J.A. Bayona, Close Your Eyes by Víctor Erice and Tobacco Barns by Rocío Mesa, and already has a catalogue of 120 locations spread throughout the province, most of them public spaces offered by the city councils of Granada.