Director of “Secaderos” Rocío Mesa and head of the Cinema Office at RTVA Paz Piñar will participate in the activity on Saturday 23rd at Palacio de los Condes de Gabia
Diputación’s Office of cinema and filming promotion “Film in Granada” has organized, as part of the 27th Festival Internacional de Jóvenes Realizadores (FIJR), the first Conference on the Audiovisual Industry. It is aimed at professionals, technicians and companies that make up the Granada audiovisual sector, whose consolidation and promotion is one of the Office’s main goals.
The objective of this conference is to bring together the people from Granadian and Andalusian audiovisual sectors to reflect on the current situation regarding the different professions, find more ways of dissemination and collaboration, share new projects and promote upcoming premieres of films that were shot in the province of Granada. As it is an exclusive event for professionals, in order to attend, those interested should send an email with their name and surname to the address
The conference will be held the next Saturday morning, October 23 at the Palacio de Condes de Gabia and will be divided in three parts: first, at 10 am, there will be a meeting with the Granada-born director Rocío Mesa, who has just finished filming his first fiction film “Secaderos”.
The director, who resides in Los Angeles, will talk about the project’s origin and evolution and her personal experience during a six-week shooting in La Vega de Granada. The movie involves the collaboration of professionals, companies and institutions from the province of Granada, in which among the different entities we can find the Diputación de Granada and the town councils of the region.

Secondly, Paz Piñar, also from Granada and head of the RTVA Film Department, will give a talk on the procedure and requirements for submitting projects to the public institution’s financial aid programs. Next, the person in charge of Film in Granada, Julio Grosso, will present the objectives and results of the Provincial Film Office during its first year of existence.
Finally, to conclude the day, several Granada-based producers and filmmakers ascribed to the Film in Granada Professional Guide will have the opportunity to share in a pitching session their next short and feature film projects, which now should be in development and search for financing phase.
The selected projects are:
“Me llamo Paco” by Ignacio Guarderas Merlo
“La cuarta edad” by Javier Barbero (Fourminds Films)
“Tú duro, yo tiempo” by Javier Morales (Insula Sur)
“Poeta del amor oscuro” by Joshué Guerrero (No ni ná Films)
“Palillo y palitroke” (Myopia Films)