100 professionals and 50 companies join in the first Professional Guide for Audiovisual Projects in Granada

“Film in Granada” presents its website with useful information for shooting in the Granada

The province of Granada is now much more accessible for Spanish or foreign film, television and advertising producers who want to carry out their projects in any of its 174 municipalities. The website of the Provincial Council’s office of cinema and filming promotion “Film in Granada” includes now the first Guide for Professionals and Audiovisual Companies of Granada, a Location Catalog with remarkable places of the province and relevant information on the Granadian audiovisual sector and the filming history in Granada.

The provincial deputy for Culture and Historical Memory, Fátima Gómez, stressed that “the website that we are presenting today, filmgranada.com, is going to be the main communication tool of our provincial film office, along with the official profiles on Twitter , Facebook and YouTube. Above all, it will be the largest showcase for the Granadian audiovisual sector, and also the place where you can find many kinds of contacts and where the work and achievements of Granadian professionals will be visible ”.

The Provincial Deputy for Culture and Historical Memory Fátima Gómez, during the presentation of the Professional Guide and the website. Photo: Dipgra

Gómez has pointed out that “the producers will find on our website a provincial catalog of locations, in which the municipalities themselves are participating and which shows the enormous diversity of landscapes and scenarios that our province has. On the other hand, audiovisual crew leaders will be able to search for any kind of local technician or company that they need to incorporate into their projects through the Granada Audiovisual Professionals and Companies Guide, in which 100 Granadian technicians and 50 local companies have already registered; not only video and television producers, but also auxiliary security, transport or catering companies”.

The Deputy for Culture expressed her gartitude about the collaboration during this first year to the Provincial Office of Tourism, and specifically to its in-charge deputy, Enrique Medina. She also recognised the invaluable help from ATECA Granada (Granadian Audiovisual Technicians Association) for the elaboration of the Professional Guide and from the creative crew of Squembri, the agency in charge of the web’s design and development.

The person in charge of “Film in Granada”, Julio Grosso Mesa, has given details about the new website’s content, which “is structured in five sections and a news blog: the two main ones are the Professional Guide and the Location Catalog, but there are three other sections that serve to contextualize the office’s work, review the history of cinema in our province and provide useful and relevant information on the audiovisual sector ”.

“Our webpage should serve as a reference and meeting point for the people in the Granadian Audiovisual Scene. It is open to new registrations of professionals from Granada with experience in film, television or advertising and local companies that can collaborate in a shooting, and to new locations proposed by the province’s councils or individuals, through the specific forms that they will find in the web ”, Julio Grosso has indicated.