The professional meeting took place at the Palacio de los Condes de Gabia, as part of the Festival de Jóvenes Realizadores’ agenda

More than 100 professionals, technicians and companies of the Granadian audiovisual sector met and shared their experiences in the first Industry Conference “Rodar in Granada” (Shooting in Granada). The act was jointly organized by the Provincial Council’s office for cinema and film promotion “Film in Granada” and the 27th Festival de Jóvenes Realizadores (Young Filmmakers Festival) of Granada.
The conference’s main objective was to create a common space for the younger Granadian professionals, joining all kinds of profiles from different departments and categories of audiovisual productions so that they get to know each other, share their work experiences and seek ways of collaboration for new projects. This will surely contribute to the promotion and reinforcement of the province’s audiovisual activity.

The act was opened by the Granada-born movie director Rocío Mesa, who explained the creative and production processes of her soon-to-be-finished film “Secaderos”, shot entirely during six weeks in the Vega de Granada. The filmmaker stressed that “the most important job a director has is casting” and referring to the last one she made, that counted with more than 2,000 non-professional actors, she recalled that “for me each actor was like a surprise egg which I had to open to see what was inside”.

For her part, Granadian Paz Piñar, head of the RTVA Film Department, has offered the latest data on Canal Sur’s participation in fiction and documentary works and has explained the evaluation criteria for those projects that apply for public aid. Piñar pointed out that “we have received 300 applications in the 2020/2021 period, of which 52 have been accepted, mostly for feature films and TV documentaries”.

Finally, Granadian production companies Fourminds, Insula Sur, Myopia, No ni ná and director Ignacio G. Merlo have presented their next feature film projects and series: “La cuarta edad”, “Tú duro, yo tiempo”, “Palillo y Palitroke”, “Poeta del amor oscuro” and “Me llamo Paco”, which are in the development and search for funding phase.