This activity is the result of the institutional collaboration between Film in Granada and University of Granada’s Faculty of Communication and Documentation

Young British filmmaker Abid Khan, founder of Eyefive Films production company, director and scriptwriter of the feature film “Granada Nights”, has been the inaugurating guest for the series “Encuentro con Cineastas” (Encounters with filmmakers), an educational activity organized by “Film in Granada” (cinema office of the Provincial Council) and the Faculty of Communication and Documentation of the UGR.
The event took place on Thursday, November 18, in the Faculty’s “Narciso Ibáñez Serrador” TV set. It was attended, in addition to Abid Khan, by the Faculty’s Dean (Benjamín Vargas), the Students Vice-Dean (Carlos Castro), the Head-Coordinator of the Degree in Audiovisual Communication (Juan Ángel Jódar) and Head of Film in Granada and associate professor of the mentioned Faculty (Julio Grosso Mesa).

During the talk, Abid Khan explained for more than an hour to the students that were attending the talk many of the experiences and details about the production of his new film, “Granada Nights”. It is an independent feature film shot entirely in Granada during 2018 that gives the chance to rediscover surprising locations of the city, as well as it offers a new look at youth. The event was recorded by the technicians Jesús García and Fran Reyes, (also Faculty of Communication’s Vice-Dean of Infrastructure) and it is now available on YouTube.
Abid Khan’s debut feature premiered in the United Kingdom last May, and it has arrived in Spain last Friday, November 19, with a national premiere at Megarama Granada Cinema, within the Festival de Cine de Granada – Premios Lorca. In this contest the movie was nominated in four categories and it finally obtained the Lorca Award for Best Photography, for the work of Ossi Jalkanen. “Granada Nights” stars a cast of young international actors, led by the English Antonio Aakeel, the American Quintessa Swindell and the Spanish Óscar Casas.

«Encounter with Filmmakers» is a collaborative project between the provincial office of cinema and film promotion “Film in Granada” and Universidad de Granada’s Faculty of Communication and Documentation. The project’s main objective is to bring the experience of professionals from cinema, television and advertising to students from Universidad de Granada and the rest of the Granadian schools that offer audiovisual studies.